This is CH 'PR' Cross-B Super Girl, Loxley and Rowdy's grand-dam, shown here with Mr Cross-B(Crosby)!!!!!!
One of the pups all grown up. This is 'PR' R&R's Tanked Up Rat, AKA Tank. He'll be 3 July 8. Turned
out to be a real nice dog.
Grand Night Champion 'PR' Duty's Bad News Jahu, black headed dog in middle, Loxley and Rowdy's grand-sire. Jahu
is also the sire of Lew's Foggynite RJ who was Purina Coonhound of the year in 1997. Wish I could've hunted just one
time with him.
First litter of pups born here at Three Color Kennels. Sired by Rowdy and out of a Show Ch daughter of Sackett's